I love acrylic paints!

I used to paint a few years back but they have been stored in my closet for some time now.
That is until a few weeks ego LOL
Finished another project using the acrylics and some distress Ink.
Made another flower (Two actually LOL) and Really loved how it all came together.
Can`t say who is it for yet because the person did not receive it yet, but it is on its way there!
I could not resist putting it up. I'm sorry but I had to blur the greeting...

FROSTED DESIGNS have an eyelet challenge for this week
PPA Anything But a vard
Charizma Card Challenges Fruity Colours
Cupcake Inspiration Challenge #42 Girly

Gingersnap Creations has an Embossing Challenge

And just a small something that has been bothering me for some time now...
I love vintage, love seeing it, love buying it, Love everything about it, There is just one thing that I really get upset about when I see it around the blog sphere, and that is the usage of torn out books pages...

I don`t know about you guys, but I was brought up to respect books, for me books are knowledge, they are precious I could never bring myself to tear a page out of a book for a project, no matter how old the book is. I always say to mylee that we need to respect books, never throw them on the floor or tear the pages, that is part of the reason why I don`t like the kids pop up books, because kids are so curious, they WOULD try and pool the pop up LOL. Hands up- how many of you with kids have a complete pop up book? We have one and I only read to here at night time because it has lullaby's..,and even so, the oven door on the Pat-A-Cake is missing.

Anyway, that's all really, please don`t tear book pages for projects, there are so manny stamps about that you can use instead and distressing techniques...

Thanks for stopping by!
Ayelet {Jenny}

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